Crossing Guard (PT)
Title: | Crossing Guard (PT) |
ID: | 1043 |
Location: | N/A |
Division/Section: | Investigative Services Division (ISD) |
FLSA Class: | Non-Exempt |
Starting Salary: | N/A |
Supervisor: | ISD Sergeant |
Pay Grade: | Grade 11P |
Blood/Viral Pathogen Risk: | Non-Foreseeable Risk |
Retirement Class: | Regular Risk |
This individual is responsible for ensuring the safety of children at street crossings near schools and for interrupting the flow of traffic to assist students in safely and expeditiously entering or leaving busy highways.
**Seasonal Position** |
Minimum Selection Criteria: |
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is committed to providing its citizens with a diverse, competent, trained, and professional workforce by hiring highly qualified candidates. The FCSO is an Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to reflect the diversity found in the community we serve.